Second Team Lost to Edinburgh 5

Gerry Brown
30 November 2023

Once again we were outgraded on every board.

Patrick’s opponent had represented Scotland at the Glorney Cup.

Simon’s opponent launched a fierce K side attack which forced Simon to give up material in an unsuccessful bid to defend.

João had an equal middle endgame but his opponent missed a simple tactic and blundered a knight to a fork with check.

My opponent played the Smith Morra Gambit. I managed to hold on to the extra pawn and withstand white’s pressure. The exchange of pieces eased the pressure and I was able to win another pawn in a King and pawn endgame.

William reached an even position in the middle game but sacrificed a knight in an attempt to break through on the K side. His opponent managed to defend and his material advantage determined the outcome.

Sandy was on the defensive for most of the game against a player rated more than 250 points higher. His opponent eventually won a couple of pawns and was able to press home his advantage.

Edinburgh 5 Edinburgh 5 Civil Service 2 Civil Service 2
Mark Gyalus
1606 1 - 0
Simon Bate
Matthew Wilder
1554 1 - 0
Patrick Miller
Vipin Zamvar
1517 0 - 1
João Reis
Ivor McConnell
1477 0 - 1
Gerry Brown
Paul Robertson
1444 1 - 0
William Lindved
Bill Platts
1372 1 - 0
Sandy Powell
4 - 2